Seven Samurai 1954 film Review

10 min read

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Seven Samurai 1954

Be warned there are spoilers 


There are more cruel and shady figures in this film


Thief's, poor village farms, gamblers, people who will fight because they are Hungary, people who take hostages, bandit samuri warriors who plunder many villages for goods and food.


The film begins with bandit samurai plundering villages and one villager over hears their plans while hiding.


The monk ask of someone who is keeping a baby hostage if they would want Rice-balls for themselves and baby since they must be Hungary rather than starve themselves in captivity hiding with a crying baby.



A samurai runs out while the mother runs in crying.


The town cheer as the baby no longer is hostage.


The samurai are so surprised by the actions of the monk Katsushiro request to become disciples of the Monk but the Monk says I do not take on disciples.


Well talk as we go get off you go.


I am not someone you should admire. I am always on the loosing side.


I don't have the means to travel with an attendant.


Leave him to be


Defense is much more difficult than offense.


Old samurai ask You say there are mountains behind the village the monk ask to a group of samurai he has gathered with the villagers.


Passage by horse


Oldest leader of samurai says It's difficult to find trustworthy loyal samurai only willing to work for barley and food to offer them.


The men are concerned about the women in the village going crazy for the samurai in attraction for them.


The old man has to remind them hey are you nuts the bandits are coming and all you are concerned about is love. Have you forgotten?


Strike the robin as he enters



Reminds samurai that they working for farmers. There are no rewards or stipends just plenty of food.


One finds friends in the strangest places. Samurai Need allies.


I like his frankness and gumption


See a Siri just split wood with an axe like a samurai sword.


Samurai test see what will happens when a Samurai Katsushiro wacks someone before entering the door. With they defend self, will they know someone will hit them. Will the avoid being hit. Will they welcome them or will they be hit themselves. 

It is a test To see what the samurai will do. will they can avoid getting hit rather than clapping hands as seen in the magnificent samurai.

Samurai comes in drunk and gets hit.


Family tree is recorded wrong in that it says samurai is only be 13 years old.

Samurai now make fun of drunk man who thinks he is a samurai but has not backing to legitimize his skills. The other six leave him locked up in the town angry to become silver.



Father ask Shinto to have her hair cut off to look like a man so not attractive to the other samurai. He does not care about the village as much as his own daughter. Drove rest of village nuts who have women because he had Shinto cut her hair in public.




Kikuchiyo fished for food and had food cooked while the other 6 samurai watch him catch the fish. He shows off fish he has caught fish. One of the samurai ask where Kikuchiyo has gone since they no longer see him behind them. They think he may have given up and money when he shows up ahead of all the Samaria


The town looks deserted when the samurai arrive. The village ask what is the meaning of all the yelling. 


It is so easy to fear.


The alarm goes off and the whole village becomes chaotic in panic with no organization. The whole village comes out.


The samurai look at a map to study the village best defenses. Look at a forest outside village for logs.


You have hunted down retreating warriors and took their weapons and gained a week spear.


North there is a small river stream.


One samurai, Katsushiro lays in the flowers above the tree and finds woman from village picking flowers thinking she is a man wondering why she is without a weopan this is not the time to be wondering around. The girl with her hair cut even though he does not realize she is not a man but a woman she gets into a fight to realize that she is a woman.


One of The samurai find armor from the villagers that they had plunder acquired from the defeated warriors in armor and weapons to show off the other samurai.


The villagers hid everything food and possessions under the floorboards of home or in mountains, the fields, to play innocent when the villagers really have more than they say a


They hunt down the losers with their spears.


The villagers killed warriors to get this armor.


You can't understand unless you've been hunted yourself.


What did you think these villagers were anyways? Buddhas or something? Don't make me laugh!


You ask them for rice or barley and they say they are out but they have it hiding.


The farmers are in gray they are clearly not all good or bad just as much as the bandits.



They make a flag for battle.


One Samurai goes and practices in the rain because he needs to work on his skills.


One samurai Katsushiro offers rice to the girl with short hair and an


Bandits killed  old woman's family and just wants to die.


The samurai can not defend everyone during harvest so teach them technics to defend themselves.


By protecting others you save village but only protect yourself you destroy the entire village.


After intermission we see harvest of village in action.


One samurai finds girls of village while harvesting.


One samari notices that married couples happen to be the most productive of workers at harvest and they talk about recommending other samurai getting married as well. 


Samurai runs off after hearing get a girl and get married. Samaurai try to have a discussion with him.



Two samurai a take Kikuchiyo's sword because he fell a sleep while on guard and say glad it was us not bandits or else they would have cut head clear off.


When you think you are safe is when you are the vulnerable.


Bandit scouts recognize samurai. And the set up of the town looks different. The samurai have to take out the scouts so they don't know the layout of the town.


The good guys and bad guys are no so clearly defined.


The villagers want to kill the bandits spy scout.


Let old woman avenger sons death by the bandits by killing bandit scout begging to be let go.



Samurai check out bandit hideout a day and a half away.


Samurai Burn bandits hideout. His wife runs into burning building. Samurai try rescue but can not go into burning building.


They put battle flag up onto of a house in village and the bandits show up.


Bandits have 3 muskets. 20 warriors and one was shot by an archer.


The bandits burn villagers shakes and homes. The old mans home is burned.


One samurai gets two more bandits to recover a musket.


One of the samurai is inspired because the other samurai does not boast of his accomplishments.


Two of the bandits are shot by musket for fleeing away from the bandits for being scared.


One of the samurai dresses up as a bandit in one of the dead bandits clothing.



There is nothing heroic about leaving your post and aging all the glory for yourself to gain another musket. It is fought together as a team. Wars are not fought alone.


Gorobei is the first samurai to die in the film defending his post being shot by a bandit archer who got through the wall fens.


Katsushiro has love interest in girl in village with the short hair Shino.


The father Manzo looks for Shino.


Father accuses Shino of being a tramp and a wrench and a slut for being with one of the samurai Katsushiro and beats her at night.


Manzo says he can no forgive those who have made his only daughter damaged goods.


The last 13 bandits are left.

They fight in the rain and mud.


One of the samurai is shot by musket.

A second one Kikuchiyo is shot and stabs the leader of the bandits who was hiding with the women.


One thing this film does is fail to develop the villains the bandits in the film. We know they are bad guys based upon what they do but there is no background to their backstory of character.



Now the villagers party play music and plant their harvest.


All but 3 samurai survive and one samurai Katsushiro who is in love with Shino as the desire to stay with the village.


The victory belongs to the peasants we as the samurai have also lost.


I felt like this was a long film and I was not a fan of the musical score. It did not stand out to me.


I was not impressed by the musical score in the film. It did not stand out as memorable. It often felt like it was out of place in my opinion.

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